Building better together.
Our commitment to the community is rooted in the legacy of our founder, John A. James. He was a long-time community leader who understood the importance of giving back and supporting those in need. We carry on his legacy by contributing to underserved areas where help is often overlooked.
Our mission is to foster growth in these communities by supporting families, disadvantaged children, and minority, woman, and veteran-owned businesses. We believe that success builds success, and we’re committed to helping those who need it most achieve their goals.
We know that making a positive impact takes dedication and hard work, which is why we’re passionate about what we do. By investing in education, resources, and support, we’re creating opportunities for people to succeed and thrive. We’re proud to be a part of this community, and we’re excited to continue making a difference together.
Our community, our commitment.
At James Group, our team is highly involved in community boards and activities across the greater Detroit area. We are proud to serve the following groups and organizations: